Riverside Cat Hospital / Info & Links

Riverside Cat Hospital

OKEMOS, MI 48864



There is a wonderful wealth of veterinary and pet care information available on the internet, but unfortunately not all of it is accurate or reliable.  The links on this page have been reviewed by our doctor and staff, and you may rely on the information presented by these sources to be accurate and, we hope, helpful.

Check out our links to area shelter and rescue information in the drop-down menu under "links" at the left.

In addition to the 
Pet Health Care Library, these links can provide you with information on a variety of topics related to veterinary medicine and pet health care. We will update this page frequently, and would love to hear your ideas on links that you would like to see us add to this page to share with other pet owners. Feel free to send us your favorites. If we are able to, we will add them to our list!

General Feline Care Topics

The AAFP has a series of client information pages available, including the following:


Health topics


My Cat Has Diabetes is a resource endorsed by the AAFP.

The Diabetes Resource Center from Veterinary Partner has helpful information explaining what diabetes is, and what to expect now that your cat has been diagnosed. 

Caring for your Diabetic Cat  A video series from the Cornell Feline Health Center, including how to give an insulin injection, and how to perform home blood glucose monitoring.


Heartworm Disease

Heartworm Society   Cats can be infected with heartworm, too!  Everything you ever wanted to know about heartworm disease can be found here. 



The Hyperthyroidism Center for Cats on Veterinary Partner has information on diagnosis, medication, and long term management of this common ailment.


Kidney Disease

A Cat Owner's Guide to Kidney Disease  Another great video series from the Cornell Feline Health Center.

Feline CRF Information Center, and Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Center If your cat has been recently diagnosed with kidney disease, these are great sites to visit for more information and resources.

Information on how to give your cat subcutaneous fluids can be found at International Cat Care.

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease  This information center covers topics ranging from idiopathic cystitis to urethral obstruction.  If you cat has been diagnosed with urinary crystals or a urinary "infection", or if you have a cat who is not using the litter box, this site is for you!


Gastrointestinal Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease - an article that helps to make sense of this common but frustrating disease affecting cats.

GI diseases in cats - a DVD video series from Veritas and the Cornell Feline Health Center. Very helpful if your cat has been diagnosed with or has symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease or food allergy.



A Pet Owner's Guide to Cancer - This video series from the Cornell Feline Health Center will help guide you through the difficult process of making treatment decisions for your pet with cancer.


Dental Health

Ever wonder whether those dental treats or water additives really work? The Veterinary Oral Health Council evaluates products claiming oral health benefits and gives their seal of approval to those products that are shown to work. Visit their product page here.

Want to brush your cat's teeth but don't know how to start? Start by viewing this instructional video from the Cornell Feline Health Center.



Feline Asthma Center  Learn all about managing asthma in your cat with Fritz

Learn about the AeroKat feline mask inhaler device, used to help asthmatic cats breathe easier with inhaled medication.


Nutrition Information

FDA Pet Food Label Information Guidelines to help you decipher the label on your pet's food 

Cat food nutrition information:  These pages will give you calorie, fat, carbohydrate, and protein information on a variety of canned and dry cat foods. If your cat has been started on a weight loss plan, look for foods with 7% or less of the calories from carbohydrates.

Find information about how protein and carbohydrates in cat food affect their health, and why canned food is healthier for cats at Dr. Lisa Pierson's website




Zoonoses are diseases that can be passed from animals to people. Information about cat-specific zoonoses is available from the CDC through their Healthy Pets, Healthy People initiative. This includes diseases such as the following:





Bartonella (Cat-Scratch Fever)


General Pet Information Sites

Veterinary Partner  An online resource for pet owners, with dozens of clear, concise articles written by veterinarians and pet care experts.  You can search for specific diseases or problems, or just browse by species.

Cornell Feline Health Center  A great resource for up-to-the-minute information on a wide variety of feline health topics.

Health Videos for the Cat Owner  A series of how-to and health related videos for you and your cat, from the Cornell Feline Health Center.

The Indoor Cat Initiative  Created by the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, this site helps owner of indoor cats provide the optimum environment for their pets, to help reduce stress, illness, and behavioral problems.

National Animal Poison Control Center  This is the website of the National Animal Poison Control Center. It includes a library, links to other sites, and phone numbers for the poison control center.   For a short list of toxic plants for gardeners to be aware of, check out this page.

Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement  We have all experienced the pain of losing a pet. The Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement has set up this site for support during this most difficult time. You will find inspirational stories, grief counseling resources, hotline number and many other resources.